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About Time (2021)

Papier-mache, oil, timber  [really fucking big]

A second attempt at arts week, About Time was and still is my largest work to date. This ginormous beast was made (outside) my studio as it didn't quite fit within. 

I came up with this modular design to test myself and my own ability to make a piece of work so much larger than myself. Further, we had been banned from using plaster so this work was constructed with flour, water and newspaper. It was then lovingly coated in dulux high-gloss. 

It was called about time for two major reasons. Firstly, we were finally back almost-full-time after coronavirus and also because finally the dean had been removed from the college after a long and embarrassing wait. 

Transporting this work from my studio on the High Street to the college was , as always chaotic. Sadly, this work no longer exists but its materials live on within other works of mine. 

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